The "trap" is to say ALL of X are Y. While it is true some have been supportive on idiot-ological grounds, I fear a rather sizeable chunk have been incited with the brash in your face style of Mr Trump, but at the same time it may be irrelevant what Mr Trump say, which includes a large number of people who are bigoted (see daily reports of bigotry in action and seemingly all justify their beliefs as based on the election of Mr Trump ... Mr Trump was elected therefore I can publicly be a bigot and no one can do anything about it).
There has been a decades-long propaganda campaign that they have fallen for, and now they are afraid of their shadows (but, ironically, not Russia).
I suspect the campaign simply enhanced a long held belief of many conservatives who suffer from an irrational fear the federal government is the enemy. This belief can be traced from the time of the Constitutional Convention to almost anything hard right politicians say.
They hated England and the resulting creation, the federal government, thus as Russia is not their irrational fear, they can deal with it as an intangible fear, which may be easily addressed (or colluded with).
Every surreal portrait of the Trump administration may apply.