Originally Posted by Greger
A lot of what happened to Sears will probably happen to Trump's administration.
Sears likely can't be saved. That's another difference between business and government. Businesses can cut their losses, file bankruptcy, and simply cease to exist. Another business will take up the slack and move into whatever markets are vacated. Government, by its very nature, must continue and evolve.
The USA will not continue to evolve when the rest of the world throws off the incubus of the US dollar as the world currency and the US goes bankrupt! There will be a significant discontinuity between the present USA and whatever replaces it.

Big Petroleum is not fighting the truth of Global Heating just to protect their profits. They have important support from the hypermilitaristic US government because with the ending of fossil fuels, the US dollar as the oil dollar becomes irrelevant, and there goes the ability of the government to run perpetually in the red!

Once, weapons were manufactured to fight wars; today, wars are manufactured to sell weapons

It is far easier to deceive folks than to convince them they are deceived