Mss Conway has long had credibility problems in my opinion.

She routinely does not understand what people say (much like Limbaugh and other right wing radio hosts) and so misrepresents positions (lies- meant to deceive, intentionally or not).

Appears Cosmo found a piece predating her Bowling Green misspeak in which she stated the same lie.

Look, I do not mind spin because I expect it, but I do require facts be the basis of that spin. In Mss Conways case, she is fact free and intentionally runs a deception. Most of not all of Mr Trump's surrogates do the same. Sebastian Gorka may be the exception. He is an intellectual ideologue of the most dangerous kind, a true believer. He fallaciously engages interviewers in successful attempts to deflect from the issues. I have seen Cuomo and Tapper both felled as victims by this chicanery.

I do not think there is anyone in the administration honest enough to get substantive information.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!