Oh, Jeffery...your friend just doesn't get it does he?
They hate government and they want to destroy it. That's why they voted like they voted. Is this something new? Something radical? Why no. It's been going on for a long time.
Just looking back in the annals of history we can see that the first
Republican President was a "backwoods lawyer", a former saloon owner who loved telling filthy jokes and starting Civil Wars. If you'll recall...a Democrat shot him.
He was followed by Ulysses S. Grant(not even his real name, he was born Hiram Ulysses Grant) He was president during what is fondly called The Gilded Age, a lovely time when the rich grew incredibly rich and the President got incredibly drunk.
To the dismay of Republicans, some of them weren't really so bad. There was William McKinley(assassinated) and James Garfield(also assassinated) and Theodore Roosevelt(almost assassinated) But they began to get a handle on what they really wanted in a President when they elected a successful businessman and mining engineer, Herbert Hoover. I don't need to point out that he was at the helm for the stock market crash in 1929 that led up to the Great Depression.
More recently they elected a washed up old Hollywood actor who lowered taxes then raised them, then raised them again but not enough to keep him from ballooning the national debt. He was also almost assassinated, and then slept through most of the rest of his presidency.
And then there was George Walker Bush, who ran for office to avenge his father's loss to Bill CLinton. A man who ignored warnings that an attack on America was imminent, started two illegal and unfunded wars because his besties were heavily invested in war materiel and oil and oversaw the stock market crash that led to the Great Recession.
Foolishly we thought they could never do worse than George W. Bush.
We were wrong.