Trump is a far greater threat to our democratic institution than most imagine. The DeVos confirmation demonstrates this, as I'd noted, but Trump’s instincts are inherently bad, as we're Richard Nixon's, and it was only the tapes that ended that chapter:
The 45th president, Donald Trump, might pose the gravest threat to the constitutional order since the 37th. Of course, he might not. Perhaps we’ll get Grown-up Trump, an unorthodox and controversial president who, whatever one may think of his policies and personality, proves to be responsible and effective as a chief executive. But we might get Infantile Trump, an undisciplined narcissist who throws tantrums and governs haphazardly. Or perhaps, worse yet, we’ll get Strongman Trump, who turns out to have been telegraphing his real intentions when, during the campaign, he spread innuendo and misinformation, winked at political violence, and proposed multiple violations of the Constitution and basic decency. Quite probably we’ll get some combination of all three (and possibly others).
But Trump is not the only threat. Don't forget Mitch McConnell's anti-democratic, heavy-handed rule in the Senate - which just yesterday silenced Elizabeth Warren
for reading their own record, on the flimsy excuse that she was demeaning a colleague - No, she was discussing a
nominee. The GOP is an authoritarian institution careening toward National Socialism. I'm not sure they even see the parallels, they're so intoxicated by their grip on power.