Nearly all of the "defects" can be cured
Overlooked is the language these folks use to describe the imminent threat.
The EO was a simple Muslim ban for 7 countries. They thought they could get away with the 7 since they were listed during the Obama presidency by Congress and used by Pres Obama to slow entry while revising vetting. The rationale is the vetting was lax as in almost non-existent (Gorka likes to say, one such interview was just 30 sec's long), just 2 years long. What was never mentioned by anyone is, if the applicant did not have proper papers or they could not be verified in some way, THEY COULD NOT ENTER. Further the administration mentioned many times the inability of the vetting process to guarantee terrorists would not slip by the weak almost non-existent rules in place.
So how can they guarantee their paradigm would be better or would work any better than the one already in use? They can't. What they can do to prevent any terrorists from entering the US is to stop all immigration of any kind and start deporting anyone who has entered in the last 16 years.
I suspect a blanket Muslim ban is what Bannon/Gorka/Flynn (otherwise known as the Troika of Islamophobia) have in mind. The problem was to find something which appeared to be Constitutional(like an EO) and start with that.