Here's an interesting article:

Trump Aides Keep Leaking Embarrassing Stories About How He Can’t Handle Embarrassment

Nearly a dozen of Trump’s closest confidantes helped plant an embarrassing news story about how their boss can’t handle embarrassing news stories. Which is to say: A president who prizes loyalty in his subordinates has already been betrayed by a huge swath of his inner circle.

It isn’t hard to understand why Trump’s aides would want to distance themselves from the mogul’s decision to begin his presidency by shouting self-aggrandizing delusions at CIA employees, congressional leaders, and the Fourth Estate. But we aren’t in the late days of a losing campaign, when it’s normal for advisers to start leaking dirt on the boss to save their reputations.

Sounds like his staff can all see their time working in the White House is going to be over soon: That feeling it doesn't matter what you do because you're going to be fired shortly, and it will be a relief. Probably how Ivana and Marla feel.