I think we are arguing the same point, but are out of sync. As to a reference or link: two posts above my previous one is the link. As to the bolded portion, where you said - "Officers on the jury are used to following orders, so if someone up the chain of command says "convict" they will."
I am saying no Military Court would convict with out evidence and most certainly would not do what they were told to do by any Commanding Officer or President Donald (I am the boss) Trump as it relates to the trial. That Article 37, UCMJ, prevents that interference, protects from that interference and in effect says that a Military Court is obligated to disobey and ignore any interference, as it relates to the trial, from Command.
As to Sgt. Bergdahl, I am not aware of the evidence and have no opinion at this time. What little I have read leaves me with many questions.
I hope I cleared up any confusion.