Good to see you BigS and it's good to see you haven't wavered from your conservative stance even after the biggest electoral disaster since Andrew Jackson(the first Democrat).

So why are so many countries having problems with immigrants?

Could it be because decades of US intervention in the ME has disrupted the lives of so many that they find it necessary to flee their homes, their(no longer existent) jobs and lives? Do you imagine the average desert dweller is thinking to themselves "let's head to icy Sweden to spread our glorious religion among the godless infidels there and disrupt their rule of law with our version of religious law instead"?

You may view President Trump as the best thing since sliced bread and his various mistakes as just stumbling blocks on the way to making America great again. You may attempt to explain them away and deflect the facts to suit your image of a glorious conservative revolution. I'm a reasonable man and certainly willing to sit back and wait for all the good things to come. But in the meantime I'm keeping track of all the lies and half truths, all the fabrications and half baked schemes to enrich the already rich in the hopeless imagining that making them even richer will somehow improve the lives of the less fortunate.

Talk to me in a year Bigswede. Your guys have got a lock on government; root branch and twig. Whatever happens is all yours. You own it.
Who knows...maybe it will work this time.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...