Ah, good you found the Swedish Crime Service!
But they are not telling the complete truth. As I said earlier they recently announced they will change the way they report crime, since it's normal stats does not register names or decent.
Crimes among swedes has gone down. Crimes among most immigrants is low.
But there is a group of immigrants that live off crimes. There is also a group of immigrant that incites what is crimes in Sweden but not in their homelands. Those crimes are grossly underreported.
Not all of Sweden is equally affected, It is primarily the three major cities' suburbs, Stockholm about 1,5-2 million people counting the suburbs, Gothenburg 0.5-1 million and Malmo less than 0.5 million suffering. Counting per capita Malmo is hit worst and is the most immigrant settled city because it's on the southern border.
And, surprise! That's where these crimes abound! When police say it's out of hand it really does not matter what the bureaucrats say. The police, firefighters and ambulance personell are the ones with first hand knowledge. They acknowledge there are such no-go zones in Swedish suburbs where they don't go like they used to.
As to islam, it's a very poisonous religion. Read the koran, quran or how ever you want to spell it. I have read it cover to cover. It is nonsensical, non tolerant with a mission. It is written to be interpreted by clergy to fool the masses of a cult. It is simply not a religion fit for democracy.
The most invisible immigrants are the criminals. Because MSM can not admit they exist without exposing themselves to criticism from one another for being racist. So the rest of the Swedes must endure the siege until MSM sober up.
A sad state of affairs.