I am never amazed that people believe what they want without regard for facts.

Take for instance the "nogo crime zone" in Malmo. You no doubt believe it is a war zone with refugees killing at random children, elderly, or just any Swede. But it appears strange to me that when the local police are asked the question they always respond, there is no such thing.
Malmö police, however, say there’s absolutely no truth to the idea of “no-go zones.” “It’s a question that appears every now and then,” police spokesperson Lars Förstell told BuzzFeed News. “It has never been true.”
Similar quotes can be found at every turn.

It is true Islamophobic right wing sites, routinely present disinformation meant to incite people such as yourself, so I implore you to do objective research and not rely on the "fake news" sites you frequent.

The only poison I see is your bigotry. Check your own words for sense, intolerance and agenda.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!