Oh, well!
Had your fun?
Where to begin?
Funny thing, I was a classic liberal in the ways of J.S. Mill back in 1960. I haven't changed anything substantial since then. But now people feel OK calling me conservative. They must have moved the goalposts, a common practice among the left, like Josef Stalin & CO. Yes they've had lot of help from some of the MSM.

The Swedes seem to react just like the Americans did back in the 70's when my pa with a clear Swedish accent complained about Dicky Nixon. He got the "love it or leave it" speech.
The Swedes today seem to defend their own government's propaganda. That doesn't mean they actually believe it. They just don't want to be internationally ridiculed. Americans and Swedes alike.

There was a riot in Stockholm last night in the immigrant dense suburb of Rinkeby. Complete with car burnings, rock throwing at the police and a shot fired from the police into the crowd.
One elder immigrant, living there since 1972, said on national TV that these new immigrants can't be trusted, send them back, they are destroying our homes and our good life in Sweden.
All's well in Sweden? No, not by any normal measure!

As to islam, it sets itself apart very much from christianity and the New Testament. Read the dam thing (The Koran) if you can bear it all the way through!

Personally, I don't believe in any god or deity. Religion has, in my opinion, no place in the government of man, no place in a democratic society.

Cowardly men always plot to label Freedom as anarchy!