Funny thing, I was a classic liberal in the ways of J.S. Mill back in 1960. I haven't changed anything substantial since then.
So many statements made here belie the veracity of that assertion it boggles the mind. As soon as one uses the term "classical liberal" for themselves, one can be assured a classical deception follows. It's like saying, "I'm not a racist, but... " and here one is not disappointed:
But now people feel OK calling me conservative. They must have moved the goalposts, a common practice among the left, like Josef Stalin & CO. Yes they've had lot of help from some of the MSM.
Classical misdirection. One cannot trust the MSM, one can only rely on the BSM.
As to islam, it sets itself apart very much from christianity and the New Testament. Read the dam thing (The Koran) if you can bear it all the way through!
I suspect the reading was as cursory as the reading of Mill... understanding the words is not the same as understanding the concepts. It appears, here, that such understanding is, shall we say, selective. Quick which Koranic verse is this.: "destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves, For thou shalt worship no other god"
Personally, I don't believe in any god or deity. Religion has, in my opinion, no place in the government of man, no place in a democratic society.
Thankfully, something upon which we agreed wholly.