I do not believe Mr Big Swede has legitimate answers but perhaps I may comment to your questions/assertions.

Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital ...

1. I would think this is a typical response from anyone who wishes to misrepresent the facts. In the above article it mentions government stats and responses and people who have contrary beliefs. It does not mean it is factual. A current domestic example is the belief among conservatives and in particular Trump supporters the world is on the verge of end time apocalypse. The facts however paint a far different picture. Spkr Gingrich said facts do not matter when people believe the false perceptions they have been feed (I am paraphrasing & extrapolating)

2. The meaning of words are not static as if frozen in time unless one is a conservative. A Liberal in 1860 is not the same as a Liberal today and a Lincoln Republican (as much as want this to be true) is not the same party as today's Republican Party, nor is the Democrat Party of 1878 which supported the KKK the same as the Party today (as much as conservatives like to say it is the same). The logical extension of this fallacious thinking results in conservatives believing the National Socialists are liberals and the Democratic Republic of Germany was a democracy.

3. see citation for views from both sides. Overall this article refutes Mr Big Swede's belief.

4. Its been a long time since I read it but as I recall it is an Abrahamic religion not a Christian religion. Thus Islam and Christianity are siblings, the children of Judaism.

I have no problem with religion, but I do have a problem when it is mixed with a secular government. If the Founders wanted a theocracy, they would have founded it that way. All of the religious zealots who have gained elective office and raise the Bible above the Constitution should be impeached i.e. thrown out of office.

Clearly I do not believe Mr Big Swede would agree with any of these comments as they are not supported by Breitbart's view. Perhaps Mr Big Swede can drill down with some facts to support his positions?

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!