First of all I can't see the substance in your previous post, where you ascribed certain characteristics to me.
I'll be more specific:
ASSERTION: "The Swedes today seem to defend their own government's propaganda. That doesn't mean they actually believe it." Evidence? I get e-mails from friends in Sweden saying the country is falling apart with the overwhelming propaganda in the media and the way the people do not recognize how the reality is portrayed.
Note that in Sweden their primary source of information is that state run TV and radio. Newspapers gets subsidized with millions each year. They all hate independent news outlets and bloggers. There is at proposition by the government to give more over the freedom of press and the freedom speech, to the subsidized media! This is happening in the country with the oldest freedom of press in the world.
Prominent Swedes of all kinds, former MEPs of the European Parliament, The Swedish Parliament, top leaders of the business society, including the almost royal family of Volvo are constantly warning on their private blogs that the entire country is going down the sh*thole! "They must have moved the goalposts, a common practice among the left, like Josef Stalin & CO. Yes they've had lot of help from some of the MSM." Evidence? (Or, Franky, point?)
New speak was one method the socialists in "1984" used to deceive the people. It is also tactic deployed by MSM. Just open your eyes!
ASSERTION: "There was a riot in Stockholm last night in the immigrant dense suburb of Rinkeby. Complete with car burnings, rock throwing at the police and a shot fired from the police into the crowd.
One elder immigrant, living there since 1972, said on national TV that these new immigrants can't be trusted, send them back, they are destroying our homes and our good life in Sweden." Source? opposition leader in the Swedish parliament said today, "We must take back the power in these immigrant residences." state TV local Stockholm news "As to islam, it sets itself apart very much from christianity and the New Testament." Basis?
Jesus teaches forgiveness and turning the other cheek in the NT. The Koran teaches nothing like that. It teaches not to associate with non-muslims. It teaches harsh divine punishment for the the unbelievers. It teaches that judaism and christianity were the first two series of warnings from God but the Koran is the true last and final warning, thus the only one that counts.
Islam approves of deceit against non-muslims. Therefore us non-muslim can't trust them. Very simple, their own words.
Of course there are a lot of muslim that do not take that side of the religion serious. But how are we to know which ones?
Sorry for several of the sources being in Swedish, but that's just the way it is.