<low muffled snickering>

there are several ways of responding but I think this is to the point.

What you have done is cherry pick only sources which support your beliefs. It is actually unnecessary for you to provide any sourcing since in your mind you already "know" what the truth is. I call it the "arrogance of ignorance".

Now you would respond, see another lying misguided liberal who doesn;t know anything about the truth. And my response is this, I can also selectively find (rather easily by the way) sources (usually editorial and anecdotal) which would prove everything you believe. If you relied only on real factual information you would not have a case. You of course rebut that by saying it is not real facts but fake liberal facts. Thus there is a problem if you can not discern alternative facts from real facts.

Your whole response is an obfuscation of your underlying Islamophobia. I will not try to persuade you Islam is a religion of love as 1.5B people of the world believe vis a vis your singular belief it is a cult of hatred, that would be pointless, but as someone in the 1920's said, if the world is full of problems and not as you want it to be, find a scapegoat.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!