Any big city has more crime than a rural location, in Sweden, as elsewhere. It is convenient, if inaccurate, to blame this crime on a population of convenience. Also, as elsewhere, Sweden has its coterie of white nationalists. Nordic Resistance. And it has its share of nationalist leaders, who, like Trump, act as an umbrella under which supremecists feel welcome.

As a people, however, I think Swedes are a more welcoming society. Having witnessed firsthand the depravity of Fascism, they, perhaps remain more sensitive to the implications of autocracy. But any influx of outsiders is going to create disruptions. Some societies tolerate it better than others.

A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.

Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich