Trump, however, feeds the furor, because he has no humility
I think if one accepts Mr Trump as a narcissist, then everything which follows makes sense when talking about his personal qualities.

So of course he has no humility, he is a narcissist. Of course [... fill in the blank ...], he is a narcissist. etc

we can address the larger problem
1. "quality of candidate"
Sec Clinton was an acceptable candidate and would have been a little better if there had not been a 30 year demonization program by Stone, Fitton, etc. And in retrospect a comparison between Sec Clinton and Mr Trump should bring into focus the real problems. She was basically a journeyman candidate, more than capable of doing the job. Sen Sanders was acceptable. About half of the Republican field were acceptable.
2. "vote suppression"
So far this Republican program has limited effect. It's only value is in close races, when very small numbers are meaningful.
3. "the Electoral College"
Argue it no longer is operating as intended by Founders. In a severely divided political atmosphere there can be little doubt it does not work as intended.
4. etc

These are but superficial problems all of which pales to the real problem of an ignorant electorate. You can "fix" all the problems you can name but it would not matter if the electorate continues to be ignorant.

Spkr Gingrich stated when asked about the facts, it doesn't matter; perceptions matter. And it is this which guides the voters. Voters who do not know the facts, but believe the lies. These voters base their perceptions on an irrational fear because it is not based on facts. It is therefore paranoia.

How does one defeat this kind of problem?

Last edited by rporter314; 02/25/17 07:17 PM. Reason: clarification

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!