Originally Posted by bigswede
Oh! And let me add one more thing, the media. They used to be primarily about informing the public.
But lately they have taken upon them to educate or even master the public. In the age of internet this doesn't sit well with those of us who seek better information.
Media needs to sober up!
I don't know for sure if the media has ever been about just "informing the public". It has always been tilted one way or the other depending on who does the hiring and firing at any media outlet.
Yellow journalism has existed since the first town crier took to the streets and only became more rampant after the invention of the printing press.
Someone once said that the best thing about the internet is that it makes everyone a publisher. And the worst thing about the internet is that it makes everyone a publisher.

We have an all out war going on between the press and the president. I suggest that it is the president who needs to sober up, not the press.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...