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Oh! And let me add one more thing, the media. They used to be primarily about informing the public. But lately they have taken upon them to educate or even master the public. In the age of internet this doesn't sit well with those of us who seek better information. Media needs to sober up!
Calling them the English equivalent of "Lugenpresse", aligning millions against them, narrowing down the whitelist to a tiny handful of handpicked far right brownshirted brown-nosers and then demanding that the intel community perform as an ad hoc Ministry of Truth, why that's a surefire way to go about it, by cracky!
PS: Just what IS IT you have against the Fourth Estate EDUCATING people?
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Oh! And let me add one more thing, the media. They used to be primarily about informing the public. But lately they have taken upon them to educate or even master the public. In the age of internet this doesn't sit well with those of us who seek better information. Media needs to sober up!
Kind of like what Breitbart, Infowars and Fox News have done for the right
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Life is like a PB&J sandwich. The older you get, the moldery and crustier you get.
The basic problem with a Trump presidency is that he thinks he can do it the same way he runs a business -- giving orders, secrecy of operations and total control. I doubt he has the temperament necessary for politics.
Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul
And not even a real business where there are constraints and protocols but a family business where one guy calls all the shots and sends his family members out as emissaries to get his decisions implemented. And no, he hasn't got the temperament or mindset to run a huge bureaucracy.
The basic problem with a Trump presidency is that he thinks he can do it the same way he runs a business -- giving orders, secrecy of operations and total control. I doubt he has the temperament necessary for politics.
Originally Posted by Greger
And not even a real business where there are constraints and protocols but a family business where one guy calls all the shots and sends his family members out as emissaries to get his decisions implemented. And no, he hasn't got the temperament or mindset to run a huge bureaucracy.
Is it too soon to call this social experiment that CONservatives have foisted onto America, a failure?
A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.
Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich
I think Flynn was just the first act of the intelligence community in retaliation for Trump attacking them. I think it may be repeated many times. Just goes to show you: Don't screw with the spooks. They are 1000 times better at it than a dope like Trump and they probably have dirt on every one in his administration.
Now several of his nominees have failed or dropped out of the confirmation process even with a sympathetic Republican majority in the Senate. Think Trump just picked really bad nominees? Or did the spooks leaked information to selected Senators?