Originally Posted by TatumAH
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Turns out the lady got a Trump Admin job just because she’s married to a billionaire who gave Donald Trump lots of money.

Way to Drain The Swamp™, Mr. President. coffee

Time for a little fact check. Her husband is Jay Hone a working attorney in NM. I dont know his net worth, but it unlikely he is a billionaire, Can you provide evidence of his so called billionaire status?

You're right, I conflated two stories into one. I misread the article where I got the information from. I didn't realize they were speaking about two different ladies - I thought it was the same one. Hmm

The lady who's husband really is a billionaire just became Ambassador to Canada. My bad. gobsmacked

The other lady just hired for SecAF (original post above) made $20k a month at her previous jobs for sitting on her ass as her contract with her contractees stated that they were not allowed to ask her how she spent her time and earned her money. coffee

Wilson’s work involved using her contacts in Washington to try to gin up new federal business opportunities for the privately run weapons labs.

But the labs got into trouble by billing the government for her work, and one of them was accused of effectively using federal funds to lobby for more federal funds, a violation of law, according to the Energy Department’s Inspector General. The lab’s manager, the Sandia Corporation, agreed to pay a total of $4.7 million dollars to the government to settle the case, although it too denied any wrongdoing.

According to investigators, Wilson refused from the outset to provide a detailed accounting — at any time — of how she did her work while earning fees from Sandia and from the Los Alamos National Laboratory totaling $20,000 a month.
...from CFPI article above:
“Ms. Wilson was very direct with him, stating that she was not going to account for her time in any detail.”
Ms. Wilson sounds like a real walking, talking rectum, colloquially known as an arsehole. No wonder she has a (R) after her name! Sheesh!

Contrarian, extraordinaire