The last first ... loyalty is the word you are looking for. the question is, would any of the Generals take the chance?

I did a quick review of the "evidence". Mark Levin (if anyone has ever listened to him as I have, they would know he is a weasel) promoted the story which was published several weeks ago and parts of which were known last summer. Breitbart picked up on it and of course Mr Trump believes everything in BB is the truth.

Basically the FBI surveiled a server in Trump Tower because of its connections to Russian banks. First, thinking there may have been some criminal activity between banks and later to surveil Trump campaign connections to Russians through the server. Apparently the FBI did not find anything interesting about the banking connections which was leaked last summer. It is unknown what was found out about campaign connections as the FBI is not talking.

There was no known wiretaps on phone lines or captured wireless signals from phones.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!