No NW, you are not alone. I too am for the death penalty and I have more respect for the jury than Hos has. I think! He is never clear with where he stands and seldom answers a question directly.

One of the most shocking jury trials came with O.J. California has the death penalty and it have been that the people of California did not want to kill him for his crimes. People forget that O.J. was at one time a true hero. I was shocked when he was not guilty but I was not on that jury. I do believe that had the death penalty been the law, Manson would be long gone and out of the news as some kind of martyr.

Why do we even discuss this as it is a state right and the citizens of the state have the authority. Silly me, I believe this has nothing to do with a collectivist's point of view but simply a cheap argument for CHB. We have improved our forensic lab work and hopefully it will be continued so that nobody gets the death penalty if there is a shadow of a doubt.

I popped in to get my PMs and again see little more than s*** stirring from the same old same old.