Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Spag-hetti
PIA quipped:
I'm surprised he hasn't made a deal with a "Nigerian government official" yet.

ROTFMOL Thanks, needed that perspective.
How do we know he hasn't?

I have heard say that a Nigerian Prince has bargained with Trump to stop exports of Mexico's main exports to Nigeria including: building materials, cement, machinery, etc.
For a cash payment the Prince will stop Nigeria's main exports to Mexico including, natural gas and sesame seeds.

This will create a surplus of cement in Mexico, that they will be forced to use to build the wall, at fire sale prices. See, Mexico WILL pay for the Wall!!
TAT tinfoilhat

In 2000, two-way trade between Mexico and Nigeria amounted to $24 million USD. By 2014, trade between the two nations totaled $575 million USD.[6] Mexico's main exports to Nigeria include: building materials, cement, machinery and electronics while Nigeria's main exports to Mexico include: natural gas and sesame seeds.

There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit