I expected the "Trump administration" to fall apart. I admit, I did not expect it to implode so rapidly. That Trump is impulsive, feckless and uninformed is obvious, but I thought there might be some adults to rein him in. God, was I wrong! The firing of all of the Russia expertise at State, and now all of the US Attorneys without a single replacement having been nominated, bodes extremely ill for the country. Like any autocrat, he is purging anyone who might pose a threat, and perceives threats everywhere.
I've been an optimist all of my life. But now I am genuinely scared. It is one thing to be rude and obnoxious, but the recklessness and unnecessary stupidity, coupled with unbridled cupidity and a prenchant for the "big lie", is beyond alarming. Trump is, truly, an existential threat and needs to be removed as quickly as possible. By lawful and constitutional means, of course. But soon.
I get so tired of being called "dramatic" and get tired of being accused of hyperbole.
I am not some political genius, all of this is just simple pattern matching and intuition.
Putin's wealth is like Gaddafi's wealth. He's not a Westerner and he's not a communist, he's a TSAR, and tsars OWN their country, thus Putin is easily worth two hundred billion dollars, at least as long he is in power anyway.
Trump gets a little chubby one around anybody worth a lot of money so you can bet his heart THROBS for Putin, and you can bet he would do ANYTHING to get next to Putin.
100 percent of President Trump's loyalty IS TO Putin, zero percent to the United States of America or its people.
And with the deals Trump is helping to engineer, Putin may actually become the world's first TRILLIONAIRE.
Are we ready to deal with a single human being worth a trillion dollars?
I don't think so and I don't think that the planet itself or its population would survive it.
Human civilization itself definitely wouldn't.
Anyone with any sense can detect a clear and present danger if they just open their eyes and see the patterns which are ridiculously evident.