Originally Posted by matthew
I heard today that Trump went to Nashville and laid a wreath on the grave of the genocidal murderer and stealer of Indian lands, Andrew Jackson !!

It figures.

Yes indeed, and right now he has a rally there chanting "lock her up" and "USA", while inciting the crowd of patriotic Amerkins to fury over the 9th Circuit court new ruling re Rump-immigration 2.0. Then there was a nice little discussion about how bad the 9th circuit track record was in general. Obviously the courts are wrong and must be discredited.

Jackson overruled the SCOTUS of the time to deport those pesky Native Americans Immigrant/Aliens to Oklahoma during prime travel months, winter and severe summer, as the off season rates were lower. We have already begun our own "Trail of Tears 2.0". I suspect that Seasonal Medicaid Holiday Camps will soon become established in International Falls Minn, for winter campers, and Fort Stinking Desert AZ for summer tenting pleasure, under the strict supervision of Field Marshall ARPpieo, recently pardoned by Trump and Promoted to Director of Eldercare and GreenSoylant distribution operations...
but I "digress" yet again into one of many "Modest Proposals'...

Back to Jackson, here is a cute little explanation, in Jacksons own words, explaining how excellent and wonderful it was going to be for the Indians, to finally be no longer be subject to "States Rights" I kid you not!


Jackson's involvement in what became known as the Trail of Tears cannot be ignored. In a speech regarding Indian removal, Jackson said, "It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites; free them from the power of the States; enable them to pursue happiness in their own way and under their own rude institutions; will retard the progress of decay, which is lessening their numbers, and perhaps cause them gradually, under the protection of the Government and through the influence of good counsels, to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilized, and Christian community.” According to Jackson, the move would be nothing but beneficial for all parties. His point of view garnered support from many Americans, many of whom would benefit economically from the removal.

There's nothing wrong with thinking
Except that it's lonesome work
sevil regit