Trump should be careful about going after The Freedom Caucus. That's 32 votes in The House. They could introduce a bill to impeach him and with the Democrats they would have 225 votes to impeach and 202 main-stream Republican votes against. (But who knows how many Trump-haters would go along with it?)
Which is why I am praying that he DOES go after the Freedom Caucus aka The Birchers aka The Tea Party.
I am also praying that Pence gets sucked up into the corruption vacuum and is forced to pull a Spiro Agnew BEFORE Trump's impending impeachment extravaganza.
No matter how the Repubs try to spin this hot mess, it will have damaged them so badly that no one will want to be within smelling distance of anything they say or do.
And they OWN all of it right now, the governing trifecta.
It's their tar baby.