Now that a white guy is back in Office as president - it’s ok not to have to ask.
Having a black
(ni---r) in the
White House was just too much for many to handle. Other excuses were tossed about as to Obama’s “incompetence”, but distilled to the essence that was indeed his
“sin".It will be a very long while before that
mistake will be repeated again.
This brings us back to the old "what if only" scenarios. My favorite is if Gore had been "erected" instead of W! Result: no Iraq invasion, more likely resolution of Afghanistan situation, and enthusiastic support of global climate challenges and solutions, and EVEN more importantly no Bush Appointee to the SCROTUS. No loss of civil rights voting laws, no Citizens United, need I go further?
Had Hillary been elected instead of Obama where would we be now? Obama could not afford, politically or culturally, to be seen as an angry Black Male, but Hillary could not have avoided being characterized as an angry white B@#$%, who would have to have been taken very seriously as a potent threat to the GOP. She and Bill had a list of enemies, and would not have hesitated to punish them.
I very much doubt that the resulting sexism could have compared to the minimally concealed racism incited by Obama. After all, more than 50% of Americans, do not have a penis, and it would be harder to erect a potent anti-female attack than an attack on an illegitimate black from Kenya , who most of the low information voters knew, in their hearts, had no right to be in the white house, with black children no less, while they were sentenced to 30 years to life in a double wide. Go ahead and try to diagram that sentence!
So who would be pres now had Hillary prevailed 8 years ago?
Maybe Biden, Doubt Sanders, but there is little doubt that we could be worse off than we are now. Without Obama, there would have been no catchy rationale for the racist Teaparty, and no T-rump.
Which brings up my new proposal for resolving Presidential succession issues in SCROTUS. South Korea just dumped their Pres through impeachment, and are scheduling a do-over election, rather than handing the government over to a corrupt election. We are obviously not as advanced as South Korea, or maybe even North Korea.
I think that when the presidency is cast to the SCROTUS, as may be happening soon, if we follow South Korea's enlightened lead, that rather than let the crucial determination be determined by corrupt political appointees, the fair and rational solution would to have a presidential possession arrow determine the outcome. Bush V Gore went to the GOP, so now the possession arrow should go to the Democrats.
Who could argue that basketball rules should be more rational than determination of the presidency?