Originally Posted by TatumAH
Originally Posted by Ken Condon
Now that a white guy is back in Office as president - it’s ok not to have to ask.
Having a black (ni---r) in the White House was just too much for many to handle. Other excuses were tossed about as to Obama’s “incompetence”, but distilled to the essence that was indeed his “sin".

It will be a very long while before that mistake will be repeated again.

This brings us back to the old "what if only" scenarios. My favorite is if Gore had been "erected" instead of W! Result: no Iraq invasion, more likely resolution of Afghanistan situation, and enthusiastic support of global climate challenges and solutions, and EVEN more importantly no Bush Appointee to the SCROTUS. No loss of civil rights voting laws, no Citizens United...
No ISIS, universal healthcare, stable world economy because the middle east was never broken...

Contrarian, extraordinaire