Just 100 years past, some may remember,
A quaint little Fall of a cabinet member.
Search dim recollections from history classes
(I assume they were ones for which you got passes)
It was called, "
Teapot Dome" and it caused consternation.
Yet that little scandal had participation
Of ONE cabinet member, Albert B. Fall.
That doesn't compare to the current cabal
Of miscreant creatures - the President's cronies
Who are liars supreme, a collection of phonies.
If one were to combine the criminal crew
Of Nixon, and Reagan, and Bush one And two,
Their deeds over YEARS wouldn't come close to compare
With corruption arrayed in Trump's nascent care.
His family makes money from flogging their brand,
While father plays golf on family own land
Paid for by taxpayer - you, me, and all
Yet he blithely resists the most reasonable call
For tax forms, or logs, or even procedures
Of selecting, unvetted, the foulest of creatures.
"Advisors" take money, hand over fist
From Russians and strongmen of the "Most Wanted" list.
He then claims they all had "the smallest of part"
Despite each occupying the top of the chart.
Watergate, Contras, wars fought for lies,
Are naught like election procured by spies.
But THEN we're subjected to thinly-veiled scams
Executive orders, health and tax reform plans
To make paupers of all but the most monied class
And then place the blame on some immigrant's ass.
It's too much to hold in a rational head
Realizing that soon we could all just be dead
From putting the keys to to the national van
In the hands of the most irrational man,
Corrupt, maladjusted, and quite clearly malign
One who will cross the brightest of line
In pursuit of self-dealing, narcissism defined.
Any bright shiny object he considers refined,
But he'll take it and then claim he did it "for you"
And nary a word will he ever say that is true.
Historic corruption is our national estate
For ignoring the risk of this reprobate
Assuming the most powerful post in the land
A consequence in which we all had a hand
In complacency, collusion, or simple neglect
And simply not giving the proper respect
To the care that's required for our institutions
Bequests of forebears who gave life, limb and fortunes.
"Enough!" We proclaim, you must stop and desist
For our values and honor, we must resist
Our heritage's not for you and your clan
It belongs to us all, child, woman and man
Every color, nationality, religion and preference
That make up the fabric of our national essence
We are Americans from the greatest to least
This scapegoating and blaming really must cease
We over centuries learned
are stronger together
And when we accept that, things can get better.