I am not sure any Trump supporters (meaning those who go apesheis at his rallies) would find anything "wrong" with any of his appointments.
I am not sure from a political perspective if it is better to have extreme right wing nuts as advisors or simply nuts as advisors.
Suppose he fired Bannon. That would leave Preibus, VP Pence, and the Kushner complex as advisors. as advisors (his foreign policy team has been moving slowly to a more cohesive platform). Kushner has no political experience, leaving Preibus, who I suspect has no real influence on Mr Trump and VP Pence , who I suspect does. VP Pence's agenda to destroy government is more typical of conservatives to disguise it vis a vis Bannons approach to be transparent about it.
I suspect Mr Trump will become more heavily influenced by the extremists, who will slow walk government into a comatose state.