this is the only pattern that will work
It struck me while listening to some commentary about Mr Trumps negotiating skills and Congress that he does not have the necessary skills for this reason. All of his RE negotiations are simple minded bilateral compromises. Passing some bills in Congress requires a multi-dimensional negotiating skill set. The WH interjecting itself in negotiations with the HFC has complicated the chances of getting the Republican caucus to pass the bill. It was always going to be difficult with the conservatives but possible. And as you noted, no where to be found is a sniff of Democrat participation.
I am still trying to figure out what Democrats could possibly compromise on. Do they legalize discrimination? Throw away any chance of managing the climate? Do they live the lie about coal? Will they agree to the largest tax cut in history ... for what? Jobs? ... Infrastructure? Will they sell entitlements to the conservatives to privatize them?
The fundamental disconnect is whether a party sees the government as a villain or the helping hand it is suppose to be. Would any conservative vote for a health care plan which was cheaper and covered more people than anything Republicans have offered if the government had anything to do with it? No Republican plan can make the necessary guarantees which would allay the fears of people regarding pre-existing, lifetime caps, etc.
Where does Mr Trump fit into this scheme? He should continue the kindergarten class photo ops and stay out of the Capitol.