It gets worse. Did you happen to glance at the dog and pony show this afternoon whereby President Trump bussed in the Republican Representatives to the Rose Garden in order for all of them to stand in front of the cameras and proclaim their absolute and total victory (and allegiance to Trump) in “repealing and replacing” Obamacare? There they were. The leader Ryan, and assorted underlings polishing Trumps knob and all proclaiming what a wonderful and effective POTUS he was—and is. The True Leader we all have been breathlessly waiting for, for the past century.
Trump beamed in the background (and at times foreground) and relished in their adoration for the one and only “chosen one”. Twas quite the spectacle. It was portrayed as if this repeal and replace vote was just about to be signed into law. By the one and only irreplaceable leader. And—- it’s only been slightly over 100 days! Lordy…
Time has stopped my friends. And it shall just pass ever more slowly and get way more sticky from here on out……
All welcome aboard the Trump Train.