It is suicidal for t-Rump, but that is exactly what pathological narcissists do when confronted/cornered! They lash out no matter what the consequences. T-Rump is not thought oriented, it is all about reacting to real or purrcived threat, and this threat is ever more real every day.
Special prosecutor is now assured! Chucky Todd is spinning that T-rump was canned because of his loss of credibility, rather than because he got to close. Screw Chucky Todd F@#$%^ apologist.
Sessions approved this, according to news, but, and isnt it a very big butt, that Sessions was supposed to be recused from all T-rump related Russian material.
Now the WH is blaming it on the botched Hillary email matter!
Tell the big one and tell it to any moron who will listen to this crap.
You can smell their desperation!