There are two obvious candidates: Rep. Trey Gowdy (GOP SC) and Rep. Darrell Issa (GOP CA). No one has more experience investigating the criminal malfeasance of the Clintons and Obama than these two courageous defenders of Freedom, Justice and the American Way.

After all, aside from Radical Islamic Terrorism and Illegal Immigration, what else should the FBI concentrate on than the danger posed by the conspiracy of Elite, Progressive, Liberals to destroy America and turn it into an Almighty-less, socialist hellhole for everyone?

(We all understand that the investigations into this conspiracy have been on-going for 40 years without concrete results. But that just goes to prove how complex, pervasive and disciplined the conspiracy actually is.)

How eager they are to be slaves - Tiberius Caesar

Coulda tripped out easy, but I've changed my ways - Donovan