We'll probably have a civil war before the Constitution get changed. We're in need of a good civil war: Libs v
(We've got our ghetto Libs who will take any opportunity to shank a rich, white,
CONservative. After the anarchy settles down, and we've made the whiny punkäss
CONservatives our beeyitches, we can get back to running the country. We good.

I think you and I are just disagreeing about the timing, Rick.
But in the end I guess I've started wondering, in part thanks to your post just now, whether it really matters if the Civil War happens before, after or during the ConCon, or even in spite of it, or because of it.
But here's the thing(s) I want to make clear, two things, and I may have thought of a third:
1. Civil war IS coming.
Every box has been ticked in the historical memory of past civil wars, both here and abroad. Every flaming log of rhetoric designed to inflame and divide has been laid upon the hearth of debate and discourse. All available thumbs have been placed on the scales of justice. Each and every member of the Right has pledged to serve party over country. And now our faces are being rubbed in the dung of outright treason, almost as if to say, "Yeah? Yeah?? Whaddya gonna do about it? Yeah, we're committing treason, and you're not gonna do NUTHIN about it, because you CAN'T, because we've stacked the deck."
I've even decoded the age old favorite tropes about how the liberals "have divided this country as never before".
It really means, "The libruls won't allow us to get away with being bigots and crooks, so WE feel divided as never before."
2.And now, the Christian Right, the Dominionists, are
openly calling for Christians to become MORE violent against anyone who does not bow down to the Seven Mountains campaign to subvert democracy.
Donald Trump's personal stable of hand picked and approved
pundits errrr (COUGH!!!) sycophants are now
sounding the battle call for state sanctioned killers to rise up and form armies "to destroy the Left"...which again really just means anyone and everyone who won't bow down, because your friendly neighborhood militia-boi isn't going to wait around and parse your responses. You either roll over and pledge fealty or it's a bullet to your head.
That's how it's done when paramilitary types round up their enemies.
That's how it's been done for all of recorded history.
3. They've already put the laws in place which
criminalize peaceful protest, and while armed white militias take over federal installations and take aim at law enforcement with little or no bloodshed, unarmed peaceful protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline are subjected to a catalogue of professional "security" operations that almost resemble a pogrom.
The Bundy Clan gets snacks delivered, the DAPL protesters get iced in sub-zero weather, tear gassed, hit with so called "less than lethal projectiles" and denied medical attention.
And speaking of real actual criminal-style protest actions, the armed and militant anarchists who plague cities like Berkeley get lumped in as liberals by a professional paid army of Right wing journalists so that Right wing pundits get a chance to describe them as "the violent Left".
But meanwhile the splendidly resurgent KKK and neo-Nazis are still not defined as domestic terrorists by the FBI, DOJ or DHS.
Indeed, one might wonder if they will form the ranks of the newly christened "Christian armies" which will be employed to exterminate liberals when the need arises. They certainly aren't being told that they're not welcome by the Trump administration, are they?
The two groups have a historical body count that dwarfs anything done by ISIS, but they're just angry folks who "sorta got things out of hand a little bit", nothing to get upset about.
In fact, some on the Right are being allowed to claim that those people are really just socialists anyway.
After all, wasn't Hitler a socialist? Seems the country is divided on that score now, if you read the forums. The real actual people who actually FOUGHT and KILLED Nazis all know that the NSDAP was a Right wing fascist organization, but today's generation isn't sure anymore.
Oh well, thank you to The Greatest Generation on this Memorial Day.
Seventy years without Nazis was wonderful but I guess we're due for a redux.
Rick, the ConCon is coming, and the civil war is coming, and I can guarantee you a few things with great certainty:
Democracy is dead...DEAD...deader than fried chicken.
The First Amendment will be dead soon.
Anything after the Tenth Amendment will be wiped out.
The billionaires and Dominionists will be the ones rewriting the Constitution. Any opposition will be struck from the voter rolls, as they are being struck now, so your confidence that "America will not stand for such a travesty" may be overstated, because opposition will be muted, as it is now, as it has been, and as it will continue to be.
We not only have Citizens United, we also have gerrymandering, we also have a hostile foreign power inserting their influence on our political process, and we have a major political party who has plugged into The Kremlin and is prepared to ride that horse as far as it can go because Putin, underneath all that KGB attire, is also a radical Right wing Christian. Putin and the Dominionists share a SH*T-TON of common ground, my friend.
Take stock of what we're up against, my dear friend.