It took most of his two terms for Obama to heal the rifts and regain the respect that George Bush created and destroyed. How long will healing take this time? Can we recover?
CONservative George W Bush who never vetoed a spending bill during the first six years of his tenure.
CONervatives took a majority in the government under W Bush, they decided to use the government in a very aggressive
CONservative way to promote
CONservative programs and spend money for
CONservative initiatives.
CONservatives abandoned any thing remotely similar to their small government heritage, voting for more spending, lower taxes, new entitlements, by removing any rules that previous Congresses had lived with to create the assemblage and culture of fiscal discipline, namely "Pay as you Go."
Then, we have the GW Bush's international forays.
Attacking Iraq because 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. Makes sense! In invading a sovereign country and breaking it, an appointee fired all of the Iraqi police and military. Those tactically trained men were bitter that their livelihoods were taken away and formed an opposition force which later became ISIS under Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Such legacies that Republicans leave behind.
...and the Republican sycophants complain that Obama didn't fix things well enough in his eight years - so they reward an incompetent, narcissistic, failed business man to be the most powerful man in the world to run America further into the ground, making the next Democratic Administration work harder to restore America to its greatness. Makes sense!