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From CHBs Front Page today June 29, 2017 "And we all know about men with small hands and we also know that Trump’s mind is all too often between his legs."
The only question left to be answered is the front side or the back side of his legs?
Last edited by Ujest Shurly; 06/29/1706:31 PM.
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Life is like a PB&J sandwich. The older you get, the moldery and crustier you get.
almost looks like a sequence of photos i took a couple of years ago
i was birding a small pond where a group of assorted water birds (ducks, pipers, stilts, grebes) were huddled up feeding on shore and about 15 yards away a black vulture was looking at the crowd. apparently the vulture became inquisitive and approached the crowd and as it got near all the water birds scattered into the pond. thats when the vulture turned around and looked at me as i was photographing the scene with a look which said [do i smell, whats up, and you can fill in some cute caption].
Looks like he is waiting on someone to save him
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!
In case any of you folks are having a nice day I shall quickly put an end to that. If this article is correct, get used to having Mr. Trump as POTUS for a full eight years.
In other words, Democrats need to take back the Mahoning Valley if they’re going to take back the White House. And, given Trump’s showing here, that may be more difficult than firing up the Jeannette Blast Furnace at Youngstown Sheet and Tube, which went cold in 1977 and has stayed that way.
Everything you've ever felt about this country is now being put to a test. We read about this s*** when we were kids. Other countries that went through this. Many of them failed because their constitution didn't have the right checks and balances. We believed it couldn't happen to us, but here we are.
On one hand this is terrifying, on the other it's fascinating. It's a schizophrenic year to be sure. But make no mistake: this is a test of a 250 year old document. Literally everything they talked about is now FRONT AND CENTER and we have to depend on, gulp, the Republican party to handle it. If this system is set-up correctly? Political pressure will get to them (yes, even them). This isn't about right and wrong, it's truly about whether the "pressure" still works. I contend that an abject lack of a functioning media will make it more difficult, but either way - that's what we're finding out right now: does it work. Does this piece of paper written in the 1700s WORK.
Try and look at it this way. I know it seems we're rolling back progressive issues at a dizzying pace but we really aren't. Nothing can't be corrected so far. However, we're certainly in unprecedented territory. It's very possible the constitution never foresaw THIS and the experiment that is our democracy will be over. Thankfully - there are other countries on this planet and we don't need to colonize Mars.
But truly? This is an easy test and one we can almost be thankful to Trump for: he's painfully obvious, clearly corrupt - he brags about everything from sexual assault to obstruction of justice. He says it IN [censored] INTERVIEWS. This is EASY.
Let's see what happens next.
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Why would he, General Kelly, take the White House Chief of Staff job. Does he think the Mooch and Bannin will do what he tells them? Bannin, tho Ex Navy, does not believe anybody knows more than he does and has authority issues. Now the Mooch, is more like President Donald (Egotistical Narcissist) Trump and won't consider the White House Chief of Staff to be above him.
I give this trio 6 to 8 months at most. I think we'll see the first signs of friction by the end of August if that long.
Last edited by Ujest Shurly; 07/28/1709:53 PM.
Vote 2022!
Life is like a PB&J sandwich. The older you get, the moldery and crustier you get.
It's just the theme of The Apprentice. That's what Trump knows. It's all about ratings and nothing gets the audience riled up like a good firing.
I assume everyone there knows it by now. They are only there so Trump can blame them for some of his (many) mistakes and fire them. Everybody will eventually be the scapegoat when a scapegoat is needed.
This is why I always hated The Apprentice. I don't like shows about stupid people and the idiotic things they do. As an engineer who never wanted to go into management, I really hate bosses who are clueless. The Apprentice was both.
You and I know he was just frustrated because everybody tells him he can't fire Sessions, so he had to fire somebody.