you say that but government has been known to issue unConstitutional laws and EO's etc, and for the most part believing what was done was Constitutional. However, this president knows no boundaries and probably believes he is above the law and so could .... wave his hands ... give a thumbs up sign ... and Magnitski is gone
never forget Mr Trump is a narcissist and almost everything he does personally (did he or didn't he dictate nonsense about Russian meeting?) is probably irrational
Please stop reminding me that Mueller's gonna get the prezzy-dint, or that another "smoking gun" has been uncovered.
I'm an old Howard Stern listener, as far back as 1977, back when he was still funny. The one lesson everyone seems to forget is the very thing that Stern, and now Trump, have built their careers on...RATINGS.
The detractors even listened to Stern, which just added to the ratings.
"For Stern fans, the average listening time was an hour and ten minutes. Reason given? 'I want to hear what he's going to say next'."
"For Stern haters, average listening time was two and a half hours. Reason given? 'I want to hear what he's going to say next'."
Remember? That was a pivotal point in Stern's career as told in "Private Parts" and don't think for a moment that 45, a Stern fan himself, didn't learn from that early on.
We are knee deep in so called "smoking guns", more than enough to equip Reagan's Contras. And every time another smoking gun drops, Team Trump files off the serial numbers, because THEY CAN.
Now we're hearing that the Mueller investigation is going super long-term!
Prosecutor Robert Ray dropped that piece of news yesterday:
“It’s an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018,” said Ray. “Whether it extends beyond 2018 is an open question.”
No actually, it's not an open question, because if there isn't a decision made by 2018 whether or not to go ahead on charging this administration with certain crimes, it will send a message to the American people that the rule of law itself has broken down.
Mueller and his team are up against something much larger, approval ratings. By 2018 I suspect Trump approval ratings will be in the single digits, and the question as to whether or not he can be charged with a crime will be moot. He will no longer have a base in Congress nor a mandate to lead.
His continued presence in the White House will be untenable and unsustainable.
As long as Donald Trump continues to earn ratings, no one in a position to do anything one way or the other cares where they come from. That's the cardinal rule in reality television, and television and radio in general, and we have a reality TV president who knows that only too well, and we are the stupid idiots who keep watching his show.
In the end, the rule of law has very little to do with Donald Trump's continued tenure as the chief executive.
Reasonable people are still caught in the trap of believing that we are still a nation of laws. That's one reason it took so long to get rid of Caeucescu.
Must we get to that point, really?
We are NOT a nation of laws anymore, we are a nation of MEN, and this particular man believes that law issues as he speaks it out of his mouth, and at this point in time and for the foreseeable future, he has at least 300 people in the House and 45 people in the Senate who are willing to say, "Yeah! What HE said!" whenever he orders them to.
And if you doubt that count, let's not forget that we have to include the ball-less sacks of crap that just don't have the stomach to say "NO!", which for me counts as a Yes Man every bit as much...that whole "evil triumphing because good men do nothing" thing.
“Laws? LAWS???? I spit on your LAWS.”
Donald Trump's biggest threat is RATINGS, and one other thing...VLADIMIR PUTIN.
Donald Trump has "disappointed" the richest mobster on the planet, who just happens to also be a deadly former KGB agent and leader of the Russian Republic.
It might not be as easy for Putin to dispense with the orange "stone in his shoe" as it was for his other targets but believe me, now that it's clear that he will not be getting the BIG FAVORS from the President that he expected, his team is working on it.
I'm not advocating it, I am not going to cheer for it and I am not suggesting it, but I am predicting it, for the simple reason that our chief executive has his ass hanging way out in the breeze and doesn't seem the least bit concerned about how vulnerable he is.
He still thinks he is untouchable.
The whole scenario is playing out like the movie "Casino" only Trump thinks he's Ace Rothstein, when in reality he's acting like Nicky Santoro.