Trump's "new" policy of secrecy about all aspects of the Afghanistan war isn't secrecy at all. We are in a NATO coalition with 39 other countries, so we DO have to tell all of them (plus the Afghans) exactly how many men we have there at all times, where they are, and what they are doing so we don't get a lot of people killed in friendly-fire incidents.
The only people who aren't supposed to know anything about this is us, the American Public. Classic Trump strategy. But I don't think he is doing it so he can do whatever he wants without having to tell us about it or answer questions from the press. He's doing it because it is a complex topic and he would rather not have to talk about it at all. This is a strategy for incompetent or brain-injured people to hide their deficits.
Every complicated topic is "secret" so he can only make a few vague generalizations about it. This lowers the requirement for him to have deep (or any) knowledge on the subject. This is a radical departure from ex-professor Obama, who DID study and indeed master every subject of interest for a President. Notice that Trump is actually leaving most Obama policies intact, because understanding them enough to change anything and not make a colossal blunder is too hard.