Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
As of 3:30 PM Pacific Time:

Seven hours ago, official tools of the Right began a desperate attempt to FLOG the Las Vegas shooting as an instrument of "leftist" anger.
Seven HOURS ago...that's 8 o'clock in the morning, Pacific Time, 5 AM Eastern Time.
The amateurs began flogging it MINUTES after it happened, or AS IT WAS happening but the OFFICIAL organs picked up the chase before the Sun came up.

Kevin Martin - BREITBART reporter

The shooter, Stephen Craig Paddock, 64.. a white liberal Democrat, hated President Trump and spoke openly about his political views. They are as follows...
Political Views per his Facebook page:
-Proud to Be A Democrat
-The Rachel Maddow Show​
-Thank You Obama
-Anti-Trump Army
-Progressive Day,
Organizing for Action (Soros)
-Not My President
-Fight Trump
-Boycott All Things Trump
-Impeach Trump
I am sharing, because the media won't.

The so called "Facebook page" attributed to Paddock was created by 4chan member Matthew Poland, who actually popped up from his 4chan anonymity to again point TO the faked page on Martin's thread.
Yup, CONservatives have been doing that all day long.

How far-right trolls named the wrong man as the Las Vegas shooter


Contrarian, extraordinaire