I wonder if anybody has thought about guns and the American public and what it all means. Australia, for instance, just took care of their gun problem and those problems have, pretty much, gone away. They did this because 30+ people were killed in a mass shooting. We, on the other hand, have now had any number of shootings that have occurred and, apparently, the American public don't want nuth'in to change. Here are some links to what we seem to think isn't worth fixing:

So, America is, basically, a refuge for them that want to slaughter by gun. Our elected will not move, the public will not insist, and, last but not least, we elected Donald Trump to, again apparently, do nothing but tell us how wonderful he is. Virtually every other nation on the face of the earth (other than failed states) have made serious efforts to control their guns but, not us! This is, we are told, all about liberty. What they don't seem to say is that its freedom to slaughter fellow citizens, from children in grade school to concert attendees. Its just flat out weird. Think on it. We have spent several trillion dollars, in the last 10 years killing foreigners in their own countries, literally, by the millions. Not being satisfied with that one we also, it seems, support murder in our own country. We are, incidentally, ranked about 50th in a list of most dangerous nations. Rwanda, for instance, is less dangerous than us.

We seem to have a problem and our elected class are, obviously, more interested in keeping their jobs (as, of course, citizen legislators - not, again of course, 'professional' politicians). There have been a pile of folks trying to fix even a little bit of this but, obviously, our elected are not willing to work on this one and the citizens of the greatest country in the world have no stomach for peace, safety, or giving a damn (something our elected understand and use to their benefit everything day). We are screwed, not only by corporations, not only by the greedy, not only by enemies and evil, but OURSELVES!

We are told, on a daily basis, that we now have a problem with drug addiction. We have spent over a trillion dollars saving ourselves and that effort hasn't even been able to keep the price of drugs up! Portugal, on the other hand decriminalized drugs in 2001 and not we are told that there are no more addicts in Portugal. In other words they choose a logical solution that, pretty much, worked. We, on the other hand made a moral judgment (we are REALLY good at that!).

We now seem to have a problem that has rejected the objective facts of science in favor of pure, unadulterated, baloney. We want our guns more than our lives, and safety, and prefer fiction to objective fact. We have spent literally trillions slaughtering (helping) others instead of taking care of our own nation which, amongst other things, has an infrastructure that is beginning to kill us. I find it all pretty strange and wish us all good luck.