So President Trump is mulling over the idea of "revoking the license for NBC"?
I have some bad news for the Commander-In-Chief, there's no such thing.
There is no such thing as an FCC license for a broadcast, cable or satellite network. FCC licenses the transmitters at individual stations.
A broadcast license is exactly that, a license to "broad cast" (cast broadly, like seeds in a field) an electromagnetic radio frequency signal over the airwaves.
TV networks are not IN the broadcasting business. They only supply the CONTENT which is sent to a network of individual stations.
It is the individual television station that sends out the broadcast signal to your homes over the airwaves. Likewise, your cable and satellite box is NOT receiving a "broadcast", it is receiving a data stream sent by a service provider.
The President would have to show cause as to why each and every individual station is "failing to serve the public interest" and that is an extroardinarily (by design) complex and arduous process.