Jeff asked me to drop this over here:

Putin actually answered, "Why, yes, I did, Donny, and now you are my slave for the rest of your term. Why? Because you cannot tell anyone the truth, since your administration would be gone by the time you got back to DC. All it takes is one nod from me and you are history. So let's talk about a unilateral reduction in America's nuclear arms and a complete removal of your military presence from anywhere that is not US territory. By the way, the borscht is terrific just after the beet harvest."

If Trump asked this question at all, he placed himself in a position of abject slavery to the Russian bear.

If you think about it for a minute you will see that Putin, a retired KGB colonel, would have had no choice except to say yes. There was never a greater opportunity for the Russians since 1917. Even if the true answer is no.

Take the nacilbupeR pledge: I solemnly swear that I will help back out all Republicans at the next election.