Right at this moment I see the entire issue playing out like some newfound religious gospel, wherein every sin is counted up as being the same in its measure, every evangelist is counted up as being a saint, every gospel preached as being sacred and unimpeachable and everyone who questions the new evangel in even the slightest way as being a heretic.

That doesn't mean that we don't have a multitude of sins to account for or that we should not seek redemption or rethink our place in the world. It doesn't mean that the bones of this new evangel are not rooted in a certain reasonable amount of logic and spiritual soundness.
It does mean however, that we are, at this point in time, far too enamored of the more charismatic aspects of this new sexual eschatology and that we are trending toward having a deaf ear for the subtleties and deeper meanings, and we're crusading along with our blunt instrument and laying waste to all sinners large and small by applying the same approach, that of lopping off their head while swinging our banner high.

I urge everyone to use a lot more care in researching these allegations, and to take the time to take a deeper look. These egregious acts, predatory behavior, harassment, sexual assault, all speak for themselves. They are shameful and can be spotted in a minute.

To the careful observer, they should stand out and stand apart clearly from ordinary interactions that make up the complex dance of the sexes.

And while you may find some of those more ordinary interactions distasteful, or clumsy, and while some may be coming from a place you feel is less than sincere and erudite, they are not crimes.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD