again we need a definition (how come you are looking up these definitions .... I hope you are not using your own made up definitions)
Originally Posted by
slander. n. oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another, which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed.
So if I committed murder and was acquitted, did I commit murder? I hope you don't think an acquittal erases ex post facto the act from history.

Now here is the critical difference, if I was innocent of murder, was charged, tried, and acquitted and someone says I committed murder which would harm my reputation, then I should sue. This however is not the case with the Bundy Gang. They committed the crimes in broad daylight on video camera for all the world to see their criminal activities. They were acquitted. Are you saying they were innocent of committing a crime? I hope this is not a case of you not believing your own eyes.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions