Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
The Bundys, "sovereign citizens," and their apologists approach this issue bass-ackwards. Since the creation of the Union, there is a process for new States to join the Union. (We're now repeating arguments from earlier in the thread.) Let me reiterate: States are created by the United States from territory that is under the jurisdiction of the federal government. So the primary government of that property is the United States, and ceding some of that territory to the State government. There's no "land grab" involved - since the federal government already owned the property. All the rest is deception.
How about when the USA colonised the Rocky Mountain states? They were never founded by local settlers who asked permission to join the federation.
The land belonged natives not considered US citizens. So the land is stolen from it's rightful owners. Is the federal government fencing stolen property when it gives minor parts of the land to the states?
Since the same principles and processes for becoming a state in the USA were not applied for example to the NE states, the midwest and in particular the Rockies, was the forming of the USA discriminatory against the later joiners? Is it still discriminatory?
Where and what is the deception here?

Last edited by bigswede; 01/16/18 09:36 PM.

Cowardly men always plot to label Freedom as anarchy!