So, the question becomes, can the Dems pull a Clinton and get America to blame the Republicans for shutting the government down? Because, just as before, it will be the Dems who shut it down. I just hope it stays shutdown, like for months and months!
Have a great day!
a) The republicans control the legislative agenda
b) Democrats cannot bring bills to debate or to a vote
c) Republicans set up a timeline to end DACA
d) Republicans stopped funding CHIP
e) Republicans did not submit a budget in early 2017
f) Republicans have been insisting on funding a government via Continuing Resolutions for years and years
g) Republicans know about the 60 vote threshold on CR bills
h) Republicans knew that the democrats wanted a resolution on CHIP and DACA in return for their vote for this CR.
i) They knew about h) for weeks/months before this vote in December
j) For weeks/months they never brought up a bill to the floor for CHIP
k) For weeks/months they never brought up a bill to the floor for DACA
And we're supposed to listen to people saying that this was a Schumer shutdown?
Mitch McConnell has now pledged that DACA would finally get a vote, and CHIP is funded, for the time being, for a short little while.
If he reneges on DACA, or lets CHIP run out of money again, are we supposed to ignore that this November?
Make America Great Again?
When did America use to be great?
When was America great? When conservatives and liberals could fight like cats and dogs, but at the end of the day sit down and hammer out something that served the best interests of the MOST Americans...COUNTRY OVER PARTY.
The fighting like cats and dogs was just mostly entertainment, and then somewhere along the way some people started thinking it was okay to start seriously suggesting that liberals do not love their country.
I will never forgive those people. They have done more damage to America than the Communists could ever dream of doing.
And not only will I never forgive them, I vow that, whenever and wherever possible, I will make them regret their suggestion by any means necessary.