Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Conservatism is currently waning again, but there is a concerted effort to hold back the liberal/progressive tide that is sweeping in by all means. This has led to extreme partisanship and a moral bankruptcy in "conservatism". The most morally bankrupt element is actually the "religious conservative" - which is really, neither.

My hope is that there will be a true tidal wave election this year, and that some of the worst elements of the GOP can be swept away. The reality is that the rump-war is going to be brutal. Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and folks like Jim Jordan, Mike Lee, and Samuel Alito have demonstrated just how brutal it will be. It will take years - at least three, probably 10 - before progressive actions will be able to counteract the damage already done to our society. The scars will be deep. We're entering a period as bad as the Jim Crow South and Lochner-era judicial activism to frustrate social norms. Our society has moved far past that, but the retrograde Luddites of the GOP still have a significant foothold, and hold a lot of high ground. If you thought the 60s were turbulent, be prepared for much, much more friction.

I am sure that many of us belong to some other political forums, and as I belong to two others at present, allow me to offer the latest trend in post threads:

1) The utterly bogus "walkaway" movement which was recently exposed as a Russian backed fraud.

2) Authoritarians outright questioning and impugning the patriotism of liberals.

Without breaking the rules of this forum, it's impossible for me to link to some of the doozies but if any of you visit these places, you know what I am talking about.

This morning one of my other faves (besides CHB) has no less than SIXTEEN threads asking "why Democrats hate America" etc.

And November is still five months away!

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