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LOL yes, those walls of text can be a bit intimidating. I type pretty fast and I can string words together pretty well and I can go on and on if I choose. But it dawned on me that my point is often lost to the reiteration of well known facts and complaints so I try to mostly keep it short and sweet these days.
When I read your(always interesting) posts there is usually something that catches my eye and makes me say "Whoa, pard'ner something is amiss with this thought." This time around it's this...
The problem is the interface between public and gov. Gov isn't doing its job so its the duty of the voters to get somebody who can actually function. The problem, of course, falls back of the voting public when they screw up. I have not yet noticed anybody actually standing up and stating the simple fact that voters DO SCREW UP, let alone trying to explain how and why. Don't change the simple fact that they do.
Half of the voters in America believe that voters screwed up when they elected Obama.
Half of the voters in America believe that voters screwed up when they elected Trump.